U15 Lionesses
Sat 12 Dec 2020
Worcester City FC
U15 Lionesses
Meadow Park Cobras
City U12s: Powerful Lionesses take on the Slippery Cobras

City U12s: Powerful Lionesses take on the Slippery Cobras

Glenn Webby13 Dec 2020 - 15:42
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Match report by Adam Addison

Saturday 12th December saw a cup match between the lionesses of Worcester City verses the top of the table and unbeaten Cobras of Meadow Park at Perdiswell.

Was it going to be the powerful Lionesses or the sneaky slippery Cobras coming out on top?

The match started off an even affair with it being end to end and a good battle with no team shining more than the other. The Cobras then took the lead after being given a penalty which was saved very well by Emily but unfortunately the Cobras scored on the rebound.

The cobras scored again soon after to take them in to 1/2 time 0-2 up. But the way both teams had played it could easily be reversed in the second half.

At the restart the 1/2 asleep lionesses conceded 2 quick goals to be trailing 4 nil. The lionesses then decided to wake up and scored 2 well taken goals by Jacko and Kacey. The game became a tense affair with the Cobras being pushed back and becoming nervous of the attacking Lionesses.
Unfortunately for the Lionesses the Cobras showed their class and why they were top of the league by being the fastest to the ball and taking the final score to 2-6 to win against the lionesses.

The Lionesses also learned to play to the whistle as the Cobras scored a goal when Mathilda was flat on the floor.

Man of the match went to Emily Maisie in goal for a very fine performance not just making great saves but more importantly coming out many times to collect the ball and preventing many a shot.

Match details

Match date

Sat 12 Dec 2020


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