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This is the Team Builder draw for the month of September - (The Team Builder draw for October will be taking place on 15th November) Team Builder is a monthly club fundraising initiative costing £5 per month and we welcome every single person that wants to help the Club. It is very quick and simple to set up and there are a range of payment options: To pay monthly at £5 per month, which will give you one entry per month - JOIN TEAMBUILDER £5 PER MONTH You can also opt to pay £10 per month which will give you TWO entries per month - this payment is made using GO CARDLESS on this website and you will need to be a registered user of the club website. For a one off yearly payment of £60, which will give you one entry per month for 12 months JOIN TEAMBUILDER ONE OFF PAYMENT. You can also opt to pay £120 which will give you TWO entries per month for 12 months. To make a one off payment of £5 for the next month only, this will give you one single entry into the next draw TAKE PART IN THE NEXT MONTHLY TEAM BUILDER - this payment is by card via the WCFC ONLINE STORE. It is also possible to join on a matchday by visiting the fundraising table in the clubhouse.
