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Team Builder Club draw results
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2. Team Builder Club draw results

Results for Team Builder Club fund raiser are as follows:

The draw is made on the 15th of every month or the closest Saturday Home game during the season.

If you would like to join please JOIN HERE

The draw is made on the 15th of every month or the closest Saturday Home game during the season although during the Covid restrictions we will show the draw on Video, which can all be found in the videos section.

All Draws made after July 2021 are filmed and the draws are available at: Team Builder Draws

The results of the July 2021 draw:

3rd Prize: £10 Martin Jacobs

2nd Prize: £25 Allan Short

1st Prize: £100 A S Bowdler

136 entries raising £540

The results of the June 2021 draw:

3rd Prize: £10 Lynne Jones

2nd Prize: £25 K Powell

1st Prize: Noel Wonfor

140 entries raising £565

The results of the May 2021 draw:

3rd Prize: £10 George Rooney

2nd Prize: £25 Kevin Preece

1st Prize: £100 Mrs J E Pinches (donated to the Goal Fund)

132 entries raising £520

The results of the April 2021 draw:

3rd Prize: £10 Dec Roberts

2nd Prize: £25 Tony Partridge

1st Prize: £100 Tim Munslow

139 entries raising £560

The results of the March 2021 draw:

3rd Prize: £10 B & A Lancaster

2nd Prize: £25 Noel Wonder

1st Prize: Tony Partridge

135 entries raising £540

The results of the February 2021 draw:

3rd Prize: £10 Noel Wonder

2nd Prize: £25 George Squires

1st Prize: £100 Alex Campbell

135 entries raising £540

The results of the January 2021 draw:

3rd Prize: £10 Steve Smith

2nd Prize: £25 R J Stokes

1st Prize: £100 Tim Munslow

128 entries raising £505

The results of the December 2020 draw:

3rd Prize: £10: Martin Smith

2nd Prize: £25: A.Hughes

1st prize: £100: Tony Partridge

121 entries raising £470

The results of the November 2020 draw:

3rd Prize: £10: Douglas Gorman

2nd Prize: £25 Tony Partridge - donated to the Goal Fund

1st Prize: £100 Rich Egglington - donated to WCFC Supporters Trust

117 entries raising £450

The results of the October 2020 draw:

3rd Prize £10 : Douglas Gorman - donated to the Goal Fund

2nd Prize: £25: Martin Swiers

1st Prize: £100: Alan Short - donated to the Goal Fund

The results for the September 2020 draw:

3rd Prize £10 Number 115 Stephen Goode.

2nd Prize £25 Number 60 Rob Crean.

1st Prize £100 Number 172 Joe Wood

The results for the August 2020 draw:

3rd Prize £10 Number 130 Luke Cox

2nd Prize £25 Number 161 R Webb.

1st Prize £100 Mrs Pinches

The results for the July 2020 draw:

3rd Prize £10 Number 43 Martin Smith.

2nd Prize £25 Number 61 Douglas Gorman.

1st Prize £100 Number 183 Mrs C Stewart.

The results of the June 2020 draw are as follows:

1st Prize: £100 K & P Blincoe

2nd Prize: £25 Rob Bazely

3rd Prize: 2 Tickets to first home game back in Worcester: Mike Davis

The results of the May 2020 draw are as follows:

1st Prize: £100 R Bailey

2nd Prize: Mervyn Pinches

3rd Prize: 2 Tickets to first home game back in Worcester: P G Elliot

The draw for April 2020 took place on Monday 11th May - Watch the draw at: APRIL DRAW

The results of the April 2020 draw are as follows:

1st Prize: £100 Luke Cox

2nd Prize: £25 Martin Swiers

3rd Prize: 2 Tickets to first home game back in Worcester: Doreen Robbins

The draw for March 2020 took place on Monday 27th April online (delayed due to the cancellation of the last six weeks of the season). The draw can be seen at: MARCH DRAW

The results of the March 2020 draw are as follows:

1st Prize: £100 Tom Swan

2nd Prize: £25 PG Elliot

3rd Prize: 2 Tickets to first home game back in Worcester: Keith Gardner

The results of the February 2020 draw are as follows:-

£100 1st Prize winner no. 22 K & P Blincoe

£50 2nd Prize winner no. 73 T Partridge

£15 3rd Prize winner no. 84 A Bowdler

The results of the January 2020 draw are as follows:-

£100 1st Prize winner no. 81 J O`Brien

£50 2nd Prize winner no. 97 A Perks

£15 3rd Prize winner no. 104 P Childs

The results of the December 2019 draw are as follows:-

£100 1st Prize winner no. 66 D Warren

£50 2nd Prize winner no. 183 Mrs C Stewart

£15 3rd Prize winner no. 27 P Bolderstone

Congratulations to all prize winners. Thank you for supporting the Teambuilder 200 Club draw and Worcester City Football Club.